How my story crossed 300 views in less than a single week (I bet yours can too)
My journey on Medium started in September 2021 and it was not until the start of October that I started taking this platform seriously.
I must admit that Medium is full off opportunities. If you are serious about growth of your writing career, Medium has ample opportunities for you to take your writing career to the next level.
So far, I have published more than 20 articles. I kept sharing every article on my social media channels, preferably Facebook groups and LinkedIn. I kept an eye on the stats.
One of my stories crossed 300 views. I was amazed because I got an invitation to add one story to Go Beyond publication on Medium. That story has only 26 views so far. Even after that story is published on the Publication, stats don’t seem to be moving.
However, one story crossed 300 views just within a week without me promotion it rigorously. How it could be possible? What could be the factors behind it?
One factor which I noticed that plays an important role in getting more views is the internal promotion of the story by the Medium platform. Once you realize the importance of the Medium algorithm in getting more views, you will be amazed as to how your writing gets more exposure on autopilot.
I have jotted down a possible range of factors that can play an important role in convincing Medium to promote your story internally.
If you want Medium to promote your story internally, keep in mind the following points:
- Share the story right after publishing on different social media handles
- Use power words in your sub-title
- Format your story correctly
- Keep your headline relevant and useful
- Choose the title which resonates with your audience
- Try to write content in a way that engages the audience
- Try to write long-form article of at least 1500 words
- Longer content addresses the pain point of the audience properly
My story title is ‘Ways to Make money online by writing in 2022’. Unlike my other stories, its whole title is written in capital letters. I am not sure but maybe it could be a reason that it attracted more eyeballs.
The title is self-obvious and useful at the same time. I also added some powerful words in the subtitle.
I shared it immediately after hitting the publish button.
I did ample research before writing this story. Properly formatted the story. Nothing can be more powerful than a story backed by research and data.
These were all the things I did and my story is getting exposure on auto-pilot through the internal algorithm of Medium.
I suggest you incorporate the above-mentioned points in your stories and see how they perform.
Do share with me the positive results you get, on my future post.
To keep reading interesting stuff in the fields of freelancing, digital marketing, and online business, follow me here on Medium.
Stay blessed!
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